Italian Government Scholarships 2024 for International Students: A Comprehensive Guide

Start your study abroad journey in Italy. Good news! Applications for The Italian Government Scholarships for international students are currently open. The Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students and Italian Citizens Living Abroad is open to both international students and Italians residing abroad. It aims to promote international cooperation in cultural, scientific, and technological fields. This article will explain everything you need to know about this scholarship, its benefits and step by step application procedure.

Italian Government Scholarships

Italy, a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and historical significance, also offers world-class education. The Italian government provides numerous scholarships for international students, aiming to promote cultural exchange, foster academic collaboration, and support educational excellence. This comprehensive guide explores various Italian government scholarships available for international students, detailing eligibility criteria, application processes, benefits, and more.

Why Study in Italy?

Meanwhile, here are some of the reasons you may consider studying in Italy:

Historical and Cultural Richness

Italy is a treasure trove of history and culture. Home to the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, it boasts numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Colosseum, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the Venice canals. Studying in Italy means immersing yourself in a rich cultural environment, where art, architecture, and history are part of everyday life.

High-Quality Education

Italian universities are among the oldest and most prestigious in the world. Institutions like the University of Bologna, founded in 1088, and the Sapienza University of Rome offer top-tier education. Italy excels in fields such as arts, architecture, engineering, and sciences, providing students with a robust and well-rounded education.

Affordable Living and Tuition Costs

Compared to other Western European countries, Italy offers relatively affordable tuition fees and living costs. Scholarships from the Italian government further alleviate the financial burden, making higher education accessible to international students.

Diverse Scholarship Opportunities

The Italian government offers various scholarships to attract international talent. These scholarships cater to undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, as well as professionals seeking advanced training and research opportunities.

Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students and Italian Citizens Living Abroad

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE) for the Academic Year 2024-2025 in order to foster international cooperation in cultural, scientific and technological fields, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (According to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions).

Grants are offered to pursue study, training, and/or research programs at Italian Higher Education Institutes, both public and legally recognized.

Scholarship Overview

Moreover, here’s a brief description of the Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students and Italian Citizens Living Abroad.

Scholarship Sponsor(s): 

Italian Government

Host Institution(s):

Italian Higher Education Institutes

Scholarship Type:

Fully funded

Level of Study:

Masters/ PhD Degrees

Field(s) of Study:

Eligible Master’s Degree (Laurea Magistrale 2° ciclo), Courses of Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM), PhD program, Research under academic supervision (Progetti in co-tutela), and Italian Language and Culture Courses

Scholarship Value:

See the scholarship benefits section below for details

Number of Awards:


Eligible Nationalities:

International students from eligible countries


The scholarship duration can be 3-9 months depending on the type of course. Renewals are granted only to applicants who prove satisfactory academic progress.


14 June 2024 (annual)

Scholarship Benefits

Meanwhile, successful recipients of the Italian Government Scholarships will be provided with the following inclusions:

  • Tuition Fees: Grantees may be exempted from the payment of enrollment and tuition fees depending on the policy of each University. Exemption is not granted for courses in Italian language and culture, for which enrollment fees are due.
  • Health and Medical Insurance: Grantees will be covered by a health and medical/accident insurance contracted by MAECI for the entire duration of the grant. Insurance coverage will not apply to events derived from pre-existing physical and pathological conditions.
  • Financial Grant: The grant amounts to 9,000 euros, paid in three separate installments to the personal current account, opened in his/her name, with an Italian banking institution. For Italian language and culture courses, the the grant is 3,000 euros paid in a single installment.

Eligibility Criteria for the Italian Government Scholarships

Moreover, applicants must meet the following requirements to be eligible to apply for Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students and Italian Citizens Living Abroad.

Academic qualifications

Applications must only be submitted by foreign students not residing in Italy and by Italian citizens living abroad (IRE)* holding an appropriate academic qualification required to enroll to the Italian University/Institute. See this link for more information.

Age limits

Applicants for Master’s Degree/Higher Education in Arts, Music, and Dance (AFAM) Programmes/ Italian Language and Culture advanced Courses should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of 28 years by the deadline of this call (born after June 14th 1995), with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for PhD Programmes should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of 30 years by the deadline of this call (born after June 14th 1993), with the sole exception of renewals.

Applicants for Research Projects under academic supervision should have attained the age of majority and shall not exceed the age of 40 years by the deadline of this call (born after June 14th 1983).

Language skills and proficiency

Furthermore, to enroll in an Italian-taught course, applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Candidates who were enrolled in an Italian-taught course at the University may submit a language certification issued by a language teacher of the University department.

Meanwhile, to enroll in an English-taught course, applicants must provide a language certificate of their proficiency in English Language. The minimum level required is B2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). A self-certification may be accepted for candidates from countries where English is an official language and who are applying for courses held entirely in English. Proof of proficiency in Italian is not required for courses entirely taught in English.

For Italian language and culture courses, applicants must provide a certificate of their proficiency in Italian language. The minimum level required is A2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

For PhD programs and Research projects under academic supervision, no proof of language proficiency is required for PhD programs and Research under academic supervision.

How to Apply for the Italian Government Scholarships for International Students

Applicants must complete and submit the online application form available upon registration at the official website. Applications must be submitted by 2 pm (Central European Time), 14 June 2024.

It is important the read the 2024/2025 Call for Applications and visit the official website to access the online application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Meanwhile, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply for the

  1. Online Application: Submit an application through the official Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) portal.
  2. Supporting Documents: Provide necessary documents, including academic transcripts, a study plan, and a motivational letter.
  3. Language Proficiency: Demonstrate proficiency in Italian or English, depending on the language of instruction of the chosen program.
  4. Selection Process: Applications are evaluated based on academic merit, study/research plan, and motivational letter.

Tips for a Successful Application

However, here are some helpful tips to help you navigate the Italian Government Scholarships application process.

Start Early

Begin your application process well in advance of the deadline. This allows ample time to gather necessary documents, obtain recommendations, and carefully complete the application form.

Tailor Your Application

Customize your study plan and motivational letter to align with the scholarship’s objectives. Clearly articulate how the scholarship will benefit your academic and career goals and how you intend to contribute to the academic community and society.

Highlight Your Achievements

Emphasize your academic achievements, relevant experience, and extracurricular activities. Demonstrating a well-rounded profile can make your application stand out.

Seek Guidance

If possible, seek advice from professors, career counselors, or individuals who have previously received the scholarship. Their insights can provide valuable guidance and improve your application.

Proofread and Review

Thoroughly review your application for any errors or omissions. A well-prepared, error-free application reflects your attention to detail and commitment.

Final Thoughts

Italy’s commitment to fostering international education is evident through its diverse range of government scholarships for international students. Whether you are pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral studies, these scholarships offer invaluable opportunities to receive high-quality education while experiencing Italy’s rich cultural heritage. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application processes, and benefits of each scholarship, you can enhance your chances of securing financial support for your studies in Italy. Embark on your academic journey in Italy, where history, culture, and cutting-edge education converge, and unlock a world of possibilities.

In conclusion, please refer to the official website of the scholarship provider using the link below for more detailed information on the eligibility requirements and application instructions for the Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students and Italian Citizens Living Abroad.

Official Website

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