Steps to Monetize your YouTube Channel with Google AdSense

Do you have a YouTube channel and want to monetize it to earn money? Or do you find it hard to link your YouTube channel with Google AdSense? Not to worry cause this article has simple steps to help you link and monetize your YouTube channel with Google AdSense.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. You can’t choose the kinds of adverts displayed on your YouTube channel with google ads.

How AdSense works

Google AdSense allows publishers to earn money from their online content. AdSense matches ads to your site based on your content and visitors. Advertisers who want to promote their products create and pay for the ads. Since these advertisers pay different ad prices, your earnings will vary. Your YouTube channel can be monetized.

AdSense in three-step

  • You make your ads space available: You make your ad spaces available by pasting ad codes on your site and choosing where you want the ads to appear.
  • The highest paying site will appear on your site or channel: Advertisers bid to show in your ad spaces in a real-time auction. The highest paying ads show on your site or YouTube channel.
  • You get paid: Google AdSense handles billing all advertisers and networks for the ads on your site to ensure you receive your payments.

Requirements to monetize your YouTube channel with Google AdSense

YouTube supports money-making only if you have monetized your channel. To monetize your channel, YouTube requires you to fulfill the following requirements :

The first step is to apply to the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).

YouTube takes at least one month to review applications before making a decision. It may take longer than a month because YouTube has specialists reviewing each application.

The minimum eligibility requirements for joining the YPP are that:

Avoid copyright and monetization mistakes on YouTube

It’s essential to adhere to YouTube’s copyright and monetization rules. You should only upload videos you have made or are authorized to use. Copyright also extends to music or audio tracks, other copyrighted works, or videos created by others.

If you’re caught violating any of the policies, you may be subject to the following:

  • Removal of ads from your videos
  • Suspension from the YouTube Partner Program
  • Account suspension or termination

YouTube states that they will always inform you via email if you violate any of their policies. They will also let you know the options available, if any.


If you aren’t complying with any of these, you might have to try harder and fulfill all the conditions first. If you do comply with all of these conditions, though, keep on reading.

Steps to monetizing your YouTube channel Google AdSense

Here are the basic steps you need to follow to monetize your YouTube channel and earn:

  • Sign in to YouTube
  • Download  YouTube Studio from the play store or apple store if you are using a mobile device
  • In the left menu, select Content.
  • Select a video.
  • In the left menu, select Monetization.
  • Choose the type of ads that you want to run.
  • Click Save.

If you haven’t linked your YouTube channel with Google AdSense


So if you want to monetize your YouTube, follow all steps above because every piece of information is crucial, and abide by every single rule set up by both YouTube and Google ads to avoid removing ads from your channel. You should also constantly update your post to avoid removing ads and blocking your channel. So, good luck with your YouTube channel.

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