Navigating the Canadian Atlantic Immigration Program: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

Unlock the doors to Canada’s Atlantic provinces with our comprehensive guide to the Atlantic Immigration Program. Discover eligibility criteria, benefits, and application steps for a pathway to permanent residency and new opportunities.

Atlantic Immigration Program

In recent years, Canada has emerged as a beacon of hope for individuals seeking new opportunities and a better quality of life. Among its various immigration pathways, the Canadian Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) stands out as a unique initiative aimed at addressing the demographic and economic challenges faced by the Atlantic provinces. Canada’s Atlantic region, comprising Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador, beckons skilled workers and international graduates through the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP).

This initiative aims to address labor market gaps and boost economic development across the Atlantic provinces. If you’re considering immigrating to Canada through this program, this detailed guide will walk you through the application process step by step. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of the AIP, exploring its eligibility criteria, benefits, and how aspiring immigrants can leverage this program to embark on a new chapter in their lives.

Understanding the Canadian Atlantic Immigration Program

The Atlantic Immigration Program facilitates the immigration of skilled workers, intermediate-skilled workers, and international graduates who want to settle permanently in one of the Atlantic provinces. This employer-driven program connects eligible candidates with designated employers in the region.

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP), which was first implemented in March 2017 and is now known as the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP), seeks to attract newcomers to the Atlantic provinces by providing a road to permanent residency in Canada for qualified foreign workers. Although most immigrants are lured to the most populated cities of Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, there are plenty of job opportunities in these provinces. This program provides a win-win situation for both employers and immigrants.

The Atlantic Immigration Program is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates from a Canadian institution who want to work and live in 1 of Canada’s 4 Atlantic provinces—New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland, and Labrador. The program helps employers hire qualified candidates for jobs they haven’t been able to fill locally.

Canada encourages applications for permanent residence from people with abilities, education, and work experience that will contribute to the Canadian economy. The Atlantic Immigration Pilot allows Atlantic provincial governments to choose immigrants according to the province’s economic needs.

How does it work?

The Atlantic Immigration Program is a business-driven initiative that makes it easier to hire foreign workers. All primary applicants entering Canada through the program must have an individual settlement plan for themselves and their families and a job offer from a designated employer. An applicant must be given a job offer after a designated employer finds them and determines that they meet both the program’s requirements and employment needs. Employers are not required to go through the labor market impact assessment process.

After the applicant accepts the position, the employer will contact a designated organization that provides settlement services to determine their needs and create a settlement plan. Employers will also assist the new immigrant and his or her family’s long-term integration, if applicable, so they can accomplish the objectives of their settlement plan once they get to Canada. A temporary work permit is available to employers who must fill a position swiftly for the applicant and his or her family to enter Canada as soon as possible. Candidates must have the following to receive this work permit:

  • a valid job offer;
  • a letter from the province; and
  • a commitment to apply for permanent residence within 90 days of the temporary work permit application.

How to Participate in the Atlantic Immigration Program

The program is made to make it easier for employers to hire new employees. Making it simpler for employers to identify skilled foreign workers with in-demand skills who can fill the labor shortages that locals are unable to fill is the goal. An accepted job offer from an Atlantic Canadian employer is the main requirement for this program. You must have recently graduated from an Atlantic Canada-based post-secondary institution in order to apply to the AIPP. Alternatively, you could apply as a skilled worker with a shortage of those skills in the Atlantic province.

1. Know Who Can Apply to the Canada AIPP

First, applicants for AIPP Canada must confirm that they meet the standards and are qualified to submit an application. Candidates must have previous employment in the field for which they are qualified. On the other hand, foreign graduates who hold a degree from a recognized post-secondary institution in one of Canada’s Atlantic provinces are exempt from the requirement for work experience.

Moreover, candidates also need to make sure they can support themselves and their families if they move to Canada, as well as meet the language and educational criteria. Furthermore, keep in mind that the conditions or qualifications listed in the job offer are considerably different from the requirements for the AIPP. To ensure the success of their application, the applicant must ensure that they can comply with and meet both sets of requirements.

2. Know the requirements for Canada Atlantic Immigration Program

The AIPP has requirements for skilled workers and foreign graduates who want to live and work in Canada, just like every immigration program. Let’s examine these demands in more detail.

Work experience for skilled workers applying to AIP

You must have at least 1,560 hours of work experience if you want to apply for the AIPP and reside and work in Canada. If you work 30 hours every week, this number of hours is roughly equivalent to a year. Any job experience gained while enrolled in school is still legitimate and is eligible to be included toward the total number of hours required for work experience. Note that employment experience does not include volunteer labor or unpaid internships.

Additionally, all work experience must include the primary duties and responsibilities listed in your National Occupational Classification (NOC). The NOC is a nationally recognized and standardized system that gives each occupation on the Canadian labor market a four-digit code and a description of the job.

Work experience requirements for international graduates

Although they don’t need to have any prior work experience, international students must hold a degree from one of the following post-secondary institutions: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland and Labrador. A visa and permission are required for overseas students who wish to study, reside, and work in Canada.

Educational requirements

You can either hold a degree from a recognized post-secondary institution in Canada, or you can hold a degree that is equivalent outside of Canada, and you must have a work offer at the NOC 0 or A skill level. If you receive a job offer at the NOC B or C skill level, you will need a high school certificate from Canada or its equivalent obtained outside of Canada. An Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) is necessary for people with foreign credentials who studied outside of Canada.

This evaluation will attest to the fact that your educational background meets or exceeds the minimum criteria. In addition, you must meet a language requirement that depends on the NOC skill level of your position. You would need to show that you can communicate in English fluently and submit any test results that are less than two years old.

3. Make sure you have a job offer.

It’s critical to confirm that the employment offer you have in hand is from an organization that is authorized to do business in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland and Labrador.

When you receive a job offer, make sure it meets the following criteria:

  • That it’s a full-time job offer for at least one year
  • That it’s consistent with regular salary payments
  • That the job falls under NOC 0, A or B skill level
  • The skill level should match the job offer – though, some health care sectors don’t require the same skill level or higher
  • Under NOC C skill level, the job offer must be permanent
  • The company offering the job must be impartial and cannot come from a company where the applicant or spouse of the applicant is the owner or major partner.

The designated business who is providing you the employment will provide a Foreign National form to immigrants seeking for the Canada AIPP. You should confirm that you meet the standards in the NOC skill level after you obtain this form. We also advise applicants to create a copy of their records because they will later be needed. This brings us to the crucial next stage of the AIPP application procedure.

4. Get your documents ready

We would like to emphasize the significance of gathering your documents ahead of time because some documents may be more difficult to obtain than others. Processing times may be delayed as a result of this. The success of your application depends heavily on supporting documents, including transcripts, proof of funds, and results of language tests.

Now that you have all of your paperwork in order, what do you do after accepting your job offer? A settlement plan and a certificate of endorsements would be useful in this situation. Let’s take a closer look at this.

Settlement Plan

A settlement plan’s goal is to help you and your family settle in Atlantic Canada, just as the name implies. The Settlement Plan will include pertinent contacts and resources to help you become settled into your new neighborhood and Canadian culture.

Note: Your chosen employer will assist you in locating an authorized service provider in the province or area you are working in, and the plans are free. Francophone groups can assist candidates whose official language is French.

Please take note that as they operate separately from the employment process, suppliers of settlement services have no connection to your work in Atlantic Canada. As a result, they won’t be able to help you get employment in Canada. In fact, once you’ve accepted your employment offer, you’ll probably contact them.

Certificate of Endorsement

A job offer will only be endorsed once you’ve received your settlement package. Your employer will manage this process, which is carried out by the province. It is advisable for candidates applying through Canada AIPP to hold off on submitting their application for permanent residency until the employer has verified the endorsed offer. A Certificate of Endorsement will be mailed to you once the job offer has been endorsed. After that, you can submit your application for permanent residence along with your endorsement certificate.

5. Apply for permanent residence

The steps to apply for Canadian permanent residency are as follows:

  1. Apply and have Supporting Documents on Hand
  2. Gather Your Checklist and Forms to be Filled In
  3. Fill in the Required Fields on the Forms
  4. Pay the Fees
  5. Submit your Application

You might wish to double-check that everything is in order before submitting your application. After that, you can mail your application to the location listed in the user manual. Depending on the nature or circumstances of their application, those who meet the conditions for permanent residence might seek the option to apply for a temporary work permit.

After You apply

We urge applicants to carefully verify that they entered all of the information accurately and that they attached the necessary supporting materials. Candidates must confirm that they are capable of adhering to the requirements of their employment offer and that they are qualified for the program they are applying to.

You can expect to be contacted about:

  • your biometrics (fingerprints and photo)
  • potential updates on your application status;
  • any additional documentation or information (where necessary);
  • to set up an interview,
  • and inform you about what will happen next.


Furthermore, here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Atlantic Immigration Program

What are the Atlantic provinces covered by the Atlantic Immigration Program?

The Atlantic Immigration Program covers four provinces in Canada’s eastern region: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Can I apply to the Atlantic Immigration Program without a job offer?

No, a valid job offer from a designated employer in one of the Atlantic provinces is a mandatory requirement for applying to the Atlantic Immigration Program.

What are the language requirements for the Atlantic Immigration Program?

Applicants must meet minimum language requirements, which typically include a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 4 for skilled workers and intermediate-skilled workers. Language proficiency can be demonstrated through tests such as IELTS, CELPIP, or TEF.

How long does it take to process an application under the Atlantic Immigration Program?

The processing time for applications under the Atlantic Immigration Program may vary depending on factors such as the volume of applications received and the completeness of documentation. Generally, applicants should expect processing times ranging from several months to over a year.

Can I bring my family members with me to Canada through the Atlantic Immigration Program?

Yes, successful applicants under the Atlantic Immigration Program can include their spouse or common-law partner, as well as dependent children, in their application for permanent residency in Canada.

Final Thoughts

The Canadian Atlantic Immigration Program represents a golden opportunity for skilled workers and international graduates to build a brighter future in one of Canada’s most picturesque and vibrant regions. By leveraging this unique immigration pathway, individuals can fulfill their aspirations of living and working in Canada while contributing to the economic prosperity and cultural diversity of the Atlantic provinces. If you’re ready to embark on a new adventure and unlock the doors to endless possibilities, the AIP awaits your application.

Remember that the outcome of your application will depend on whether you meet the program’s requirements and whether you are eligible to enter Canada, which depends on the results of your background checks and medical exams. As soon as a choice is made, you’ll be informed. Don’t give up if your application is denied. You will be given the opportunity to appeal the decision to have the decision reevaluated after receiving a letter outlining the reasons why your application was denied.

The Canadian government has made it simple to live and work in Canada by providing over 100 immigration pathways. Since January 2022, the AIPP has become a permanent program due to its outstanding success record. The program has a solid reputation for bringing in tens of thousands of foreigners and generating new employment opportunities that benefit the Canadian labor force. The outcome clearly demonstrates how significantly it contributed to the Canadian economy.

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